Facebook launches its own mobile ad network for third party applications " News Smartphones" Facebook

Facebook today announced the introduction of tests involving publishers and advertisers around a range of mobile advertising, understand by this advertising in mobile applications handled by Facebook, outside of the social network, so. 

The least we can say is that the market for mobile advertising is already crowded. First by Google ( with the acquisition of AdMob for $ 750 million in 2009) and more recently by Twitter, which has also acquired MoPub in September 2013 for approximately $ 350 million to consolidate its offer . Besides these two heavyweights exist many other networks . The sector is thriving , and Gartner ad spending $ 18 billion this year against 13.1 billion last year and advance the staggering $ 41.9 billion in 2017.

For now Facebook reserves its tests to a very small number of handpicked actors but there is a safe bet that the spectrum will spread rapidly . In any case, the logical consequence of all the effort in recent months to consolidate the position of the company in the mobile sector . Remember, it was in September 2012 , during the first post -IPO Mark Zuckerberg appearance : " Facebook is mobile company" ... A little over a year later, during the presentation of financial results for the third quarter of 2013 , we learned that the mobile accounted for nearly half of the revenues of the social network ...

Strategically, it seems that Facebook is right to go it alone , especially for two main reasons:

- There are really big mobile advertising network redeemed , even gold.
- Who else but Facebook can make the most of all the targeting criteria proposed by the offer advertising inside the network? After imposing Facebook Connect as a privileged means to identify within mobile applications , gateways with your targeting data can be easily implemented. And when you see that ad servers appear to us as advertisements in applications , I would say that the margin of progress towards a better contextualization and targeting are indeed ...

For these two reasons, also add association with FBX , the ad -exchange Facebook whose performance is now proven and once interconnected with the generated mobile inventory could dramatically boost network performance ...

Only downside, Facebook share with the delay in the conquest of this inventory, a large part of the work will be to make life easy ( and inexpensive ) to publishers and developers to benefit from rapid and massive adoption , which Google has bought time with the acquisition of AdMob ... 

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