Flexible displays does not mean flexible phones " LG" " Smartphone News" High tech,

While qu'LG proudly unveiled the first flexible OLED screen, the rest of the world is imagined that the entire smartphone is flexible. Wrong place at the confusion is not and will not happen any time soon .

We do not redo the topo , proud of its novelty , LG touted improved performance and exceptional designs to come next year ... ' coughed coughed . However, we can assure you a fully flexible smartphone will not be among these new and exciting things.

Flexible displays are new and exciting , and there is no reason to blame in any and obscure reason. It should however clarify one or two points , the arrival of flexible displays does not mean the arrival of flexible devices . There are still legitimate obstacles to overcome before such a thing is simply possible.

The entrails of a smartphone are not designed to be bent, folded or rolled , as some might dream . Battery , in particular, is not an easy part to relax , other challenges electronics are also asking as to how they are deployable beings or cost management to avoid inevitably prohibitive price.

None of this means that the LG breakthrough is not impressive or important. But it should not be that individuals expect to see a peek LG foldable few months (or Samsung, they coiffent the pipe) . Moreover, this new screen does not sound crazy at first, yet it is constructed from plastic substrates instead of traditional glass , which makes the question of logically less problematic flexibility.

Furthermore , it is 0.44 mm thin so that it competes with the same non- foldable screens currently on the market . LG also claims to have created the world's lightest slab , weighing just 7.2 grams for a six-inch screen . Finally, as it folds , it will not break as easily as ... glass screen (You know , "unbreakable , unbreakable ... broke "). Note to finish scanning the pictures it is not immunized against scratches.

So even though it's tempting to let your mind wander to a phone that rolls into a ball when you read headlines like " flexible displays ," cool your ardor young Padawan ! Besides, who the hell would want a phone of this ilk ? http://smart-cell-phone1.blogspot.com/

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