The "home" button on the front for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5? " News Smartphones Samsung,

Samsung has filed a patent for a new design for a smartphone. The innovation lies in the absence of the home button feature of the Galaxy range .

Only this information is fun, but not stunning . It is a new patent in respect of a Samsung touchscreen smartphone design with lines very similar to those of the Galaxy range . There is not necessarily enough to make a fuss . But this little information appears within weeks or months of the launch of a new flagship . And it comes just days after an indiscretion from Korea on the integration of the new technology that manages Synaptics View Air and Air Gesture .

An absence is noticed

The new patent , first of all , is a smartphone with fine and beveled edges , as he loves the Korean giant . On the front , touch screen takes up most of the space . Note on the visual as home button mechanical characteristic of the Samsung range disappears. What might seem logical puisqu'Android now supports the common commands ( mutitâche , return home ) within the interface. Longer have to impose on a touchpad or buttons.

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