Samsung could he bring forward the Galaxy S5 in February " News Smartphones" High tech Samsung,

A regular rumors striking , but not always true, has reopened the debate on the date of the official presentation of the Samsung Galaxy S5 . It claims will be made in February for a commercial launch in April.

Eldar Murtazin is no stranger to controversy. But it has already hit the bull . Therefore difficult to remain deaf to its flashy ads posted on his Twitter feed . His latest : a short message stating the place, date and time of an event organized by Samsung to present its next flagship , the alleged Galaxy S5 . It would be in his 23 February to 18 hours in the Catalan city that will host next month the great mass of the mobile phone . The day before the opening of the latter.

Reasons not to believe ...

This rumor , which you should of course take all precautions ( maybe even a little more) , is triply curious . First, because it contradicts the majority of other information, including official claiming that the Galaxy S5 will be presented in New York in March . Secondly, because it goes against Samsung habits vis-à -vis shows, including the MWC where announcements of new mobiles are legion . The media impact of the Galaxy S5 presented sidelines of the exhibition would be diminished . Finally, Samsung did not use to advertise a product two months before its release. Moreover, some competitors have tried to achieve a performance - cons , waiting killing envy.

[...] but others who could confirm

So why relay this rumor? Because Samsung has already accustomed us to ads in the margins of the world's major shows. At the start of 2013, the Korean group had organized a press conference on the sidelines of the IFA to unveil its Galaxy Note 3 . So why not do the same with the Barcelona area, which is the major annual event of the sector? Then it would also reduce the impact of competing ads , including Sony , LG, HTC or the legion of Chinese competitors . Especially a design manager at Samsung also confirmed that date in an interview published there three weeks.

In his short message, Eldar Murtazin confirms that indiscretions on the datasheet are just S5 ( QHD screen, new Exynos chipset, battery 2900 mAh new generation photo sensor at least 16 megapixels) and the terminal should benefit a new interface , which has already been announced yesterday by another source. 

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