One analyst says that the iPhone 6 will be presented in June " News Smartphones" High tech,

The iPhone 6 is again talking about him. A new rumor suggests that Apple could present at the 2013 edition of its WWDC in June. A phablette would also planned before the year end.

If the iPhone has always loosened tongues in any season , some are still more conducive to confidence. That is why we usually pay more attention to rumors circulating in the summer or fall, just before the announcement . This year , things are a little different. Rumors abound in the middle of January and come to our attention. The reason is that they all agree on the fact that Apple could now introduce two new models this year , including one in the first half, in the coming months .

A 4.7-inch iPhone at WWDC 2013?

However, there are several versions. That today , delivered by Chinese analyst Xu Sun Chyang on concerns an iPhone 6 screen 4.7 " expected in the month of June and Apple could enjoy its developer conference starting June 10 to announce it. to do this , the smartphone come into production in May , a month earlier. Two technical elements are also disclosed.

First, the definition of 1136 x 640 pixels of the current model would be retained on the screen. Rather strange insofar as it would no longer issue resolution Retina . Second, the resolution of 8 megapixel camera sensor would also be retained. It would be associated with an optical system stabilization .

A larger model at year end 

Sun also suggests another model, bigger, could emerge before the end of the year. We talk a screen of 5.7 inches to the higher resolution of this time. This is not the first time that such a model is discussed. For our part, we will believe that once we have seen with our own eyes.

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