Google Play also pinned for its lack of security on integrated shopping " News Smartphones" High tech,

Apple says it 's time for Google to attract the attention of associations of American consumers who believe that conditions built on Play Store purchases are as bad as on the AppStore.

Each turn ! After Apple repeatedly , Google is targeted by a U.S. consumer association. And for the same reasons: too lax conditions and too permeable vis- à-vis payments on the Play Store purchases or integrated applications . The Association Consumer Reports, the U.S. equivalent of 60 million consumers , has published on its website a record shop on Google. And obviously , the Mountain View company is no better than Cupertino.

30 minutes passed without further validation of the password

It would be even worse. The author explains the path of the file . He downloaded on his Android application Tap Pet Hotel smartphone that is free. Unlike the AppStore not need the password when it's free . It opens the application , performs a first integrated 99 cents purchase. Google Play asks her password. Logic. Then he buys the same object again. And there, no confirmation . One click and it's good. He bought for about $ 10 premium features without being arrested a second time by the application store . It is not until 30 minutes before a new confirmation password is requested by Android.

Too much time left without control

The problem with this demonstration is not so much the $ 10 spent, but the potential purchase of an application whose aim is the frustration associated with the lack of warning. By the simple combination of 30 minutes and integrated shopping sometimes the amount is 100 dollars ( more rarely , but it happens) , it is not $ 10 , but several thousand dollars a user ( young or younger) is able to spend.

An important part of the economic model

In-app purchases are truly part of the business model of mobile applications . Attract consumers with free apps and request payment thereafter is a common practice , also known on social networks . But if the premium options are rather well framed on the Internet, they are much less on smartphones. Last week we reported that Apple should pay $ 32.5 million integrated games purchases and change its conditions of use by the end of March . Consumer Reports calls for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to do the same with Google. Officially , Google responded to Consumer Reports that the company is working on new tools to better understand and control his shop purchases . It 's something. 
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