How to preserve battery smartphone? " Smartphone news"

Your smartphone is a small revolution. A small miracle as a computer pocket able to obey almost all your needs. But none of his powers does not measure up to an empty battery. While removable batteries are becoming increasingly rare , your mission is to take the greatest care . Fortunately, with lithium -ion batteries, this task is not insurmountable if you follow some simple rules.

First, a clear rule that must be followed regarding the failure to use the full autonomy of its smartphone playing Candy Crush or leaving WiFi or GPS enabled so that you do not use them. Apart from these essential elements, there are other rules of use and load that can optimize the autonomy of his unit.

The golden rules

You can be loosely a kind of urban legend about rechargeable batteries and their "memory" remember. You might know that if you do not " learn " your battery to reach its maximum capacity by passing the maximum charging zero percent load , it could forget some of its capabilities. Well forget all that. At present , it is false.

The memory of a battery is a reality but it is only for batteries based on nickel . Or you might have a lithium -ion battery that should be treated differently. The goal ? Recharge as often as possible.

To get the most out of a lithium -ion battery , in fact , it is to maintain a level of charging around 50%. Subject it to a yo- yo effect between the lowest and the maximum load will not help its longevity and may even be harmful in the long term . It remains wise to completely discharge your device once a month in a goal of " updating " but this must remain casual to not shorten the life of your battery.

But there is still a but ! Keep a portable support very often also heat the battery. Fortunately, the chargers have a basic form of intelligence and does not send power to a smartphone whose battery is full. It is in any case not reach the ultimate level of reloading each reload , but stop charging just before reaching 100 % in order to prevent it is connected to nothing and risk despite all deteriorate.

So to be on top of the optimization, the goal is to always maintain a level of battery around 40-80 % load . Perform many reloads , even short , will always be less harmful than spending every day from 100 to 0 % battery . But these rules are not the only ones to follow.

Keep it cool

If it is easy to adopt good habits reloading, as we did for our previous batteries, it should also be aware that ultimate enemy can harm your lithium-ion battery : heat. The battery of your smartphone degrades much faster when it's hot , whether it is used or not.

Faced with an average temperature of 0 ° C , a lithium -ion battery will lose an average of 6 % ​​of the maximum load in one year. At 25 ° C , over a year , the loss is estimated at 20% , then 35 % when it comes to 40 C ° . Obviously , this does not mean that we should keep her laptop in a refrigerator, but if you can avoid leaving a stay in a parked car in the sun , it is not worse.

Avoid wireless refills

The latest wireless charging systems are an extremely convenient way for compatible phones but it can still represent disadvantages. Current wireless chargers have this bad habit of generating a bit too much residual heat can damage your battery. So even if it is a little less convenient , know that the good old technique wired charging will keep your battery in the best health possible now , especially if you live in a warm place.

Never go to zero (for devices abandoned )

The sad reality is that using your battery will degrade . It will expire slowly , even if you leave the device in a closet use . Yet there is a trick to minimize this inexorable aging effect on infrequently used devices : always leave a little energy.

Basically, if you do not use a device with a lithium -ion battery for a long time , give it with a level of 40% minimum. The battery will lose from 5 to 10 % charge per month.

An important point to remember is that when the lithium -ion batteries reach the absolute level of zero , they can become unstable and dangerous to recharge . So to guard against the risk of explosion , know that manufacturers have had the good idea to include a self-destruct function circuit of lithium -ion batteries. So in case you forget a device with this type of battery , you can always try to reload normally , it will not work . But you do not risk you end up with a mask acid (due to a possible explosion) because your battery will be permanently ruined.

Do not worry too

It is easy to take good care of the battery as it is easy to become lazy and not worry about the problem. But nothing serious, except extreme cases, all should go well between your lithium-ion battery and you. Generally, such a battery has a life of three to five years and the reality is that you might choose to change unit in this time interval. Still, let her rest smartphone every night on a wireless charging is more damaging than follow the simple rules presented here.

There is still nice to know that to maintain the battery , you do not have to wait every day it will discharge completely before plugging your smartphone. Your only real goal is to avoid forgetting your smartphone in a hot car.
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