Nokia Lumia 1520V: New photos reveal the variant "mini" Lumia 1520 " News Smartphones" High tech,

Nokia has seen great with its Lumia 1520 , but not that . The manufacturer currently plancherait on a more compact variant phablette . For proof, several photos of the smartphone already circulating on the web .

Nokia is one of the few manufacturers not to offer "mini " in its catalog. The situation could change rapidly . Indeed, we reported recently that a more compact version of its Lumia 1520 is currently in preparation. A first photo of the aircraft had even leaked . Two new images arrive today Chinese Weibo platform and site Wpbar accompanied by additional information about it.

More than dimensions downgraded 

Known as the Lumia 1520V , the smartphone is now presented us beside his model sometimes beside what appears to be an iPhone 5/5S . As you can see the end of the article, the size difference is important in both cases. Logical since it would be equipped with a screen of 4.45 inches or much smaller than the 6 inch team phablette and much larger than 4 inches which equips the Apple smartphone . We learn also that it would be a model HD (1280 x 720 pixels). Other features are mentioned: a battery of 2370 mAh and a 14 megapixel digital camera .

Note that some of this information is in contradiction with the previous rumor, more optimistic. In particular, it provided a full HD 4.3 inch screen and a Snapdragon processor 800. It remains to consider . The Lumia 1520v is expected in April . It could also be part of ads provided by Nokia on 24 February , as part of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona . Fingers crossed . 

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