The new crazy project Google: lenses interactive touch " News Smartphones" High tech, health

We know that Google has multiple projects in various fields . Robotics, connected objects , Internet stratospheric network, etc. . With this new project , focused on health ,

This is another project that has nothing trivial , even for Google. And yet : what other firm could undertake ? With the tens (or even hundreds of these ) projects under development , areas in which Google operates today are many and varied. Would we have imagined 10 years ago , when he was just a search engine , Google would develop interactive contact lenses that would be credible? That is exactly the subject of this article.

Help patients with diabetes live

Before we talk more specifically of these lenses , speak a few moments of this project . These contact lenses are designed for people with diabetes mellitus. More than 5 % of the world population suffers and must regularly ( several times a day ) to test their glucose levels in the blood, the risk of serious consequences which may progress to organ damage ( retinas , kidneys , arteries , heart, etc. . ) . Across countries ( all developed ), diabetes has become the fourth or fifth leading cause of mortality. The need to control the level of sugar in the blood ( it is too strong or too weak ) is a vital issue.

There are two types of control kit . Permanent , with a probe subcutaneously, the classics, with pin to prick your finger and put a drop of blood on a portable tester. A painful process inconvenient. Medicine has long sought a less restrictive way to test blood sugar with other bodily fluids. Including tears. Where contact lenses .

A new way to measure blood sugar

Google's project , which is obviously far from ending , therefore aims to benefit from the miniaturization of electronics to insert in a contact lens capable of measuring the level of sugar in the blood. The idea is to insert between two layers of silicone two sensors, to perform the measurement , the other for transmitting . A prototype that would achieve a measurement every second, would currently under study. Another idea would be to accompany these two elements by a diode that would light up when an alert . Remains a detail that Google did not disclose what is the energy source used ? Because it must be a battery to power it all. Unless you are using a non-contact charging ... 

Developed in partnership with the International Diabetes Federation and the medical world, interactive touch lenses are still in their infancy. The Mountain View company proves here that all the money earned can also serve as good cause. We imagine , however, that other applications, not necessarily medical , will also be considered for these new interactive and connected objects. 

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